~ Will all of your students be new to Greater Albany Public Schools (including Kindergarteners) for the 2025-26 school year?
Check the address in our school finder to make sure this is your school: School finder link and enter your address into the search bar in the upper right corner
~ Do you have current students at Liberty (or in GAPS) that are attending Liberty next year?
You won’t register your student until JULY 1st! – Look for a ParentSquare communication from the District as July 1st approaches. This is REQUIRED to register/verify your student(s) for the 2025-26 school year.
If you plan on moving out of the Liberty boundary or your Liberty student will NOT be returning to Liberty next year; please contact the office asap @ liberty.office@albany.k12.or.us
Parents of incoming kindergartners: PLEASE complete ONLINE REGISTRATION before Kindergarten Orientation – May 5th @ 4:30-5:30pm